Think Big
“Think Big” is a mantra and a spell that can help us in these times.
Century of Crossroads
The Century of Crossroads will not be pleasant. But some roads are better than others.
The Urgent Need for A Plan for Human Civilization
It is time for a real plan to stabilize the climate, protect human rights, foster international cooperation and dialogue, and return to a cooler Earth.
My Own Philosophy of Climate Resilience: A Guide to An Adaptive Mindset
By working together as a species, and ensuring a dignified life for all, we can optimize the possibility of maintaining a habitable planet.
Regenerating Effective Government
We must redraw and reaffirm a binding social contract that can protect fundamental human rights and can implement solutions to climate change and biodiversity collapse.
Moving Past Planetary Crisis
A planetary crisis is upon us taking the forms of biodiversity loss and climate change. Here are some thoughts on how we can collectively move past planetary crisis and towards a better future.