People, Planet, Justice, Future Generations

A useful mental framework that has helped me connect with my passions is to categorize social issues into the four buckets of people, planet, justice, and future generations. It's important to note that there is a variety of overlap and intersectionality in these categories. But I find that thinking discretely about people, planet, justice, and future generations can provide personal insights into the things that I care about, and what kind of purpose I should build in today's world:

  1. People: This category is an invitation to reflect on how you may be called to serve the needs of others in areas such as healthcare, education, housing and other basic needs, and individual empowerment. How can your passions help improve the daily lives of those around you?

  2. Planet: Consider your connection to the environment and whether your interests lie in combating pollution, preserving biodiversity, and addressing the climate crisis. Do you feel particularly passionate about environmental and planetary issues? What actions can you take to make a difference for our planet?

  3. Justice: If you feel drawn to issues of justice, explore your passions in law, international relations, and domestic politics. How can you contribute to creating a more just and equitable world?

  4. Future Generations: This is perhaps the category that has the least contemporary development. Contemplate the long-term impact of our society and global decisions on those who will come after us. In what ways can you work to ensure a better future for the next generations to come?

While we can probably all connect with each of these areas in some way, in my experience some of us feel more connected to certain areas. Don’t let me stop you, though, if you feel deeply connected to all four. And as I noted above, they overlap and intersect. In fact, there can be tremendous insights gleaned from combining some of these buckets and looking at the world with new perspectives.

By reflecting on these passion areas, you can identify the issues that resonate with you most deeply, and then start to align those personal passions with larger social problems. Your passions are the fuel for positive social impact and will also lead you down the road to a much deeper purpose in life.


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